of battle area, manage Soviet, Iran, Iraq and Angola sides of the conflict Steel Armor:Blaze of War gives player an opportunity to drive battle tanks as driver and engineer, to organize tank attacks as gun layer and manage the crew To win the battle one has to own quick reactions, intelligence good memory, knowledge of technical features of battle machines ability to coordinate actions of the whole tank crew and ability to find optimal tactics in complex situations Goals of battles Reconnaissance and attack of rival stands Protection of own stands Capturing and keeping inhabited locations Support of the infantry actions Ambush and breakthrough from encirclement Combat locations and historical background 1) Iran-Iraq war of 1981 2) Afghanistan 1984 3) Angola 1987 Available tanks to drive and manage 1) Soviet T-62 tank developed in 1960 with its real crew of 4: driver-engineer, commanding officer, gun layer and loader T-62 machine has been used by Soviet army in Afghanistan by Angolan and Iraq armies 2) American M60A1 battle machine developed in 1962, which has been the main NATO tank until mid-80s and had the crew of 4: commander and gun layer, driver-engineer and loader The tank has been used by Iranian army during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988 Game Features Dynamic campaigns with historical missions Large-scale tactical battles with real tanks, APCs artillery, aviation and infantry.

Player is to successfully accomplish battles in 4 historical operations on 60 square km. Angel Face Cracker About the game: Steel Armor: Blaze of War is an authentic and dynamic tank simulator.

Code: Steel.Armor:Blaze.Of.War-FiGHTCLUB Date.